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Graphic Content: Using Visual Communication in the Social Studies Classroom

imgresOne of my favorite ways to present information to students is through the use of infographics because they are visually appealing and easy to read, even though they can contain a wealth of information.  In the past I have been a huge proponent of not recreating the wheel when it came to infographics because it is so easy to search for a topic and find something that has already been created and can easily be used in the classroom.  That was until I was introduced to Piktochart, the easy-to-use infographics creator.

The great thing about Piktochart is that it is so simple for not only a teacher to create infographics, but also for students to use the website as a presentation tool for classroom projects.  You begin by selecting a template that structures your infographic for you, and there is a great variety to choose from (including presentations, posters, and reports that are not structured like infographics).  You can make your infographic unique by adding charts and maps, icons, photos and videos, or importing Survey Monkey or Google Forms responses.

You can then share your creation electronically or print it to provide a hard copy for your students to view.  Piktochart has created several great tutorials to walk you through all of the features, you can view the under 2 minutes version here, then follow their YouTube channel to view other tutorials.

However, if you’re like me and enjoy the idea of borrowing work that others have already created, Piktochart also has a collection of infographics that have already been created and can be used in your classroom in their Featured Piktocharts Gallery.  They also have a Pinterest account that you can follow with over 3,000 pins and full of infographics that are already created and ready to be used in your classroom.  Here are some great social studies examples:

Have you used infographics or Piktochart in your classroom?  Leave some ideas of suggestions in the comments to help fellow social studies educators find unique and creative ways to use this technology tool in their own classrooms!

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